5 Year History of Roots & Jones

I started Roots & Jones 5 years ago, simply as a way to get back to my roots and learn my grandfathers craft of pen making. From selling pens in a small coffee shop, attending a craft show and not selling a single pen in 3 days, to now having 120 retailers across the country and crafting luxury pens for organizations like the Supreme Court Historical Society and Churchill Downs/KY Derby.

I take a look back on my journey. The 10,000 hours in grandpas woodshop mastering my craft, the tens of thousands of miles I've put on my car traveling the country to showcase my work, and the breaks given to me by companies like Clayton & Crume, and the blessing I received from my grandpa to leave my comfortable day job to do this full time. All of it played a major role in the trajectory of Roots & Jones.

People say if you do what you love you will never work a day in your life. I have a different perspective. I love what I do so much I am going to work as hard as I can to preserve and grow it. We all have a story to write – and the story of Roots & Jones has only begun.

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